WebRTC Statistics - v1.0.2

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This project is a library to use to parse WebRTC statistics.

Run the following npm command to install the package @dolbyio/webrtc-stats into your project:

npm install @dolbyio/webrtc-stats

A WebRTCStats object needs to be created to start a WebRTC statistics collection. It requires some settings to configure how you want the collection to work. First, import the WebRTCStats definition.

import { WebRTCStats } from '@dolbyio/webrtc-stats';

Create the collection object like this example:

const collection = new WebRTCStats({
getStats: () => {
// Get the raw WebRTC statistics from the web browser
getStatsInterval: 1000,
includeRawStats: true,

Start the collection with the start() function.


Stop the collection with the stop() function.


After starting the collection, the stats event is triggered when the WebRTC statistics have been collected and parsed.

import { OnStats } from '@dolbyio/webrtc-stats';

collection.on('stats', (event: OnStats) => {

The error event is triggered when an error happens during the collection or the parsing of the WebRTC statistics.

collection.on('error', (reason: string) => {

Example on how to start a statistics collection from the Dolby Millicast SDK.

import { WebRTCStats, OnStats } from '@dolbyio/webrtc-stats';
import { Director, Publish } from '@millicast/sdk';

const STREAM_NAME = '';

const tokenGenerator = () =>
streamName: STREAM_NAME,

const publisher = new Publish(STREAM_NAME, tokenGenerator);

// HERE: Publish a stream to Dolby Millicast

const collection = new WebRTCStats({
getStatsInterval: 1000,
getStats: () => {
return publisher.webRTCPeer.getRTCPeer().getStats();

// The stats event is triggered after each interval has elapsed
collection.on('stats', (event: OnStats) => {

// Start the statistics collection

You can also print the logs in the console and select the log level by using the following code.

import { Logger } from '@dolbyio/webrtc-stats';

defaultLevel: Logger.TRACE,

Run tests:

npm run test

Create distribution package:

npm run build

The documentation is built on TypeDoc, to generate the doc, run the following command. You will find the HTML files in the docs folder.

npm run docs