Represents the statistics object for an input audio stream.

interface InputAudio {
    bitrate?: number;
    id: string;
    jitter?: number;
    jitterBufferDelay?: number;
    jitterBufferEmittedCount?: number;
    mid?: string;
    mimeType?: string;
    packetLossDelta?: number;
    packetLossRatio?: number;
    packetRate?: number;
    timestamp: number;
    totalBytesReceived?: number;
    totalPacketsLost?: number;
    totalPacketsReceived?: number;
    trackIdentifier: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


bitrate?: number

Current bitrate in bytes per second.

id: string

A unique id that is associated with the object that was inspected to produce this StatsBase object.

jitter?: number

Packet Jitter measured in seconds for this SSRC.

jitterBufferDelay?: number

The purpose of the jitter buffer is to recombine RTP packets into frames (in the case of video) and have smooth playout. The model described here assumes that the samples or frames are still compressed and have not yet been decoded. It is the sum of the time, in seconds, each audio sample or a video frame takes from the time the first packet is received by the jitter buffer (ingest timestamp) to the time it exits the jitter buffer (emit timestamp).

jitterBufferEmittedCount?: number

The total number of audio samples or video frames that have come out of the jitter buffer (increasing jitterBufferDelay).

mid?: string

Media stream "identification-tag" negotiated and present in the local and remote descriptions.

mimeType?: string

The codec MIME media type/subtype. e.g., video/vp8 or equivalent.

packetLossDelta?: number

Number of packets lost since last collection.

packetLossRatio?: number

The ratio of packet loss.

packetRate?: number

Current packet rate in packets per second.

timestamp: number

The timestamp, associated with this object. The time is relative to the UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970, UTC).

totalBytesReceived?: number

Total number of bytes received for this SSRC.

totalPacketsLost?: number

Total number of RTP packets lost for this SSRC. Note that because of how this is estimated, it can be negative if more packets are received than sent.

totalPacketsReceived?: number

Total number of packets received for this SSRC.

trackIdentifier: string

The value of the MediaStreamTrack's id attribute.