Represents the base statistics object for an output stream.

interface OutputBase {
    bitrate?: number;
    bytesSentDelta?: number;
    id: string;
    mid?: string;
    mimeType?: string;
    packetRate?: number;
    packetsSentDelta?: number;
    retransmittedBytesSent?: number;
    retransmittedBytesSentDelta?: number;
    retransmittedPacketsSent?: number;
    retransmittedPacketsSentDelta?: number;
    targetBitrate?: number;
    timestamp: number;
    totalBytesSent?: number;
    totalPacketsSent?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


bitrate?: number

Current bitrate in bytes per second.

bytesSentDelta?: number

Number of bytes sent for this SSRC since last collection.

id: string

A unique id that is associated with the object that was inspected to produce this StatsBase object.

mid?: string

Media stream "identification-tag" negotiated and present in the local and remote descriptions.

mimeType?: string

The codec MIME media type/subtype. e.g., video/vp8 or equivalent.

packetRate?: number

Current packet rate in packets per second.

packetsSentDelta?: number

Number of packets sent for this SSRC since last collection.

retransmittedBytesSent?: number

The total number of bytes that were retransmitted for this SSRC, only including payload bytes.

retransmittedBytesSentDelta?: number

Number of bytes that were retransmitted for this SSRC, only including payload bytes since last collection.

retransmittedPacketsSent?: number

The total number of packets that were retransmitted for this SSRC.

retransmittedPacketsSentDelta?: number

Number of packets that were retransmitted for this SSRC since last collection.

targetBitrate?: number

Reflects the current encoder target in bits per second. The target is an instantaneous value reflecting the encoder's settings, but the resulting payload bytes sent per second, excluding retransmissions, should closely correlate to the target.

timestamp: number

The timestamp, associated with this object. The time is relative to the UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970, UTC).

totalBytesSent?: number

Total number of bytes sent for this SSRC.

totalPacketsSent?: number

Total number of packets sent for this SSRC.