allowedSpecify the ISO 3166-1 two letter country codes to explicitly allow viewer to watch the stream from. If the viewer's location does not match any of the specified countries, they will be blocked from viewing stream, else they will be allowed to view stream. This geo-fencing rule works in concert with the IP and domain restrictions as well. Specifying geo restriction rules in a token will override account-wide rules. Only one of allowedCountries or deniedCountries should be specified. If the specified streams require authentication, the list of allowed countries can be overridden by the subscribe token.
allowedMay specify multiple IPv4 addresses or CIDR notated network blocks. If specified, the token will only be usable from those IP addresses.
allowedIf specified only the domains in list will be allowed in requests to Director API with token. Wildcard subdomains are also allowed, e.g.: "*.demo.com". When unspecified (empty list) there are no domain restrictions.
bindIf specified will bind the token to the first X IP addresses used with token in requests to Director API, thus restricting the token to those IP addresses without being known beforehand. Mutually exclusive with allowedIpAddresses option.
deniedSpecify the ISO 3166-1 two letter country codes to explicitly deny viewer to watch the stream from. If the viewer's location does match any of the specified countries, they will be blocked from viewing stream, else they will be allowed to view stream. This geo-fencing rule works in concert with the IP and domain restrictions as well. Specifying geo restriction rules in a token will override account-wide rules. Only one of allowedCountries or deniedCountries should be specified. If the specified streams require authentication, the list of denied countries can be overridden by the subscribe token.
expiresNumber of seconds until the token expires.
If not specified, the token never expires.
Name for the token that is used to display in the dashboard.
originCluster to route specified streams to.
Default is the account's default cluster.
List of stream names.
trackingTracking Information for the Stream Syndication capability.
trackingTracking identifier for Stream Syndication.
Represents the information to create a subscribe token.