The allowable parameters for listing and filtering media assets.

interface ListMediaAssetsQueryParams {
    desc?: boolean;
    limit?: number;
    name?: string;
    page?: number;
    priority?: number;
    simulcastId?: string;
    sort?: ListMediaAssetSortBy;
    sourceId?: string;
    status?: string[];
    streamName?: string;
    tokenId?: number;
    type?: string[];


desc?: boolean

Optional, defaults to false, sort descending boolean.

limit?: number

Optional, integer, 1 to 100, defaults to 25.

name?: string

Optional. Filter by media asset name.

page?: number

Optional, integer, 1 to 2147483647, defaults to 1

priority?: number

Optional, int32, Priority of the clip request to filter by.

simulcastId?: string

Optional, with behavior for empty string, Simulcast ID of the stream to filter by.

Defaults to "startTime".

sourceId?: string

Optional, Source ID of the stream to filter by.

status?: string[]

Defaults to ["Processing", "Complete"] unless specified.

streamName?: string

Optional, Name of the stream to filter by.

tokenId?: number

Optional, Token ID of the stream to filter by.

type?: string[]

Defaults to ["Clip", "Recording"] unless specified.