Response Data for the Metadata for a clip.

interface RecordMetadata {
    duration: number;
    format: string;
    sizes?: Record<string, any>;
    thumbnails: string[];
    tracks: {
        bitrate: number;
        channels?: number;
        codec: string;
        framerate?: number;
        height?: number;
        samplerate?: number;
        type: string;
        width?: number;


duration: number

Duration in seconds of clip.

format: string

Format of the clip

sizes?: Record<string, any>

Optional, additional fields expected, sizes available.

thumbnails: string[]

Array of thumbnail URLs

tracks: {
    bitrate: number;
    channels?: number;
    codec: string;
    framerate?: number;
    height?: number;
    samplerate?: number;
    type: string;
    width?: number;

Array of tracks.

Type declaration

  • bitrate: number

    Bitrate of the track.

  • Optional channels?: number

    Optional, int32, Number of channels.

  • codec: string

    Track Codec

  • Optional framerate?: number

    Optional, int32, Framerate of Track.

  • Optional height?: number

    Optional, int32 Height of track.

  • Optional samplerate?: number

    Optional, int64, Sample rate of track.

  • type: string

    Track type

  • Optional width?: number

    Optional, int32, Width of track.