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Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are essential for RTME applications. You can provide them to a container image and a Linux executable.


ItemMeaningLinux executable argumentContainer parameterPossible values
PluginThe full path to the application plugin, in .so format.-pluginN/


ItemMeaningLinux executable argumentContainer parameter to the /start endpoint
AliasThe Communications API conference alias RTME runtime should connect to. When a conference with a specific alias does not exist, using the alias results in creating the conference. Therefore, we recommend using alias only for local testing.-calias
IDThe Communications API conference ID RTME runtime should connect to.-iid
TokenThe Communications APIs client access token required to connect to a conference. RTME does not support any form of token refresh, therefore, we recommend using a token with a sufficient expiration time to stay in a conference until the end.-kclient-token
User nameThe user name representing the RTME runtime in the Communications APIs conference.-uusername
Listen-onlyInformation whether RTME should be run in the listen-only mode. The mode excludes the possibility to inject media into a conference.-m noneN/A

Mechanisms for sending RTME data

RTME offers mechanisms for transferring data processed by the application outside of the docker container in real time. You can specify the preferred mechanism by providing the proper query parameter to the /start REST endpoint. When it is not specified, the RTME application stores data in a file.

ItemMeaningQueryParam to /start REST endpointPossible Values
Send MechanismThe mechanism used to send data from outside the RTME application.sendmechanismhttp, pubnub


Using PubNub as the send mechanism requires PubNub credentials that you can access after registering a PubNub account.

ItemMeaningQueryParam to /start REST endpoint
Publish keyThe API Key used for publishing.publishkey
Subscribe keyThe API Key used for subscribing.subscribekey

Data endpoint

ItemMeaningEnvironment variable
Transcript destinationThe destination where transcribed data should be submitted. When using the http sendmechanism this destination is the URL where data can be sent with HTTP POST method. When using the pubnub sendmechanism this destination is the PubNub channel where the transcripts will be sent.TRANSCRIPT_DESTINATION

Application-specific configurations

Live transcription

ItemMeaningLinux executable/start REST endpoint QueryParamPossible Values
Transcription providerThe transcription service to use.--rtme-transcription-serviceserviceaws or gladia
Transcription parameterThe service-specific parameters to use.--rtme-transcription-paramN/Aparam1:value1
Gladia API keyThe API key required to connect to the service.api-keygladiakeyN/A

To use the AWS service, such as AWS Transcribe, the RTME runtime must have appropriate AWS credentials. Furthermore, the authenticated AWS role should have access to the AWS Transcribe service. RTME does not dictate the location of the AWS credentials/config settings; it relies on the AWS SDK for authentication. If you are unsure about this process, consider using either of the following environment variables:

  • aws sso login and export AWS_PROFILE if you use a Linux executable
  • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=..., export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=..., and export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=...
ItemMeaningEnvironment variable
AWS profileThe name of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) profile with the credentials and options to use.AWS_PROFILE
AWS access keyA unique identifier associated with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role. It is a part of the security credentials for authenticating your applications and services with AWS.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
AWS secret access keyThe password paired with the access key that securely signs requests to AWS. It must be kept confidential to protect your resources.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
AWS session tokenA temporary token used along with the access key and secret key in AWS when multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled or when roles are assumed. This helps to ensure the security and integrity of your data.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN