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Download and enable the plugin to be able to use it in the Unreal Editor. You can either use the binary or build the plugin from source.

  • On macOS, you need to additionally obtain permissions to use your microphone and camera.
  • On Ubuntu, you need to have libc++ installed: sudo apt install libc++-dev.
  • If you want to target Android, please see this tutorial.

Enable the plugin using the binary

  1. Make sure that your project contains a Plugins folder in the root of your game folder. If you do not have this folder, create it.
  2. Download the latest plugin release for your platform and unpack the plugin to the Plugins folder.
  3. Launch your project using the Unreal Editor and select Edit > Plugins from the menu to enable the plugin manually. This step requires restarting the editor.

Build the plugin from source

  1. Make sure that your project contains a Plugins folder in the root of your game folder. If you do not have this folder, create it.
  2. Download the DolbyIO folder from GitHub and add it to the Plugins folder.
  3. Download the latest Communications C++ SDK release for your platform (use the "universal" package for macOS or the "clang10-libc++10" package for Ubuntu) and unzip it. The unpacked package should contain the sdk-release folder for Windows and macOS or the sdk-release-ubuntu-20.04-clang10-libc++10 folder for Ubuntu.
  4. Move the unzipped folder to the {YourGameRoot}/Plugins/DolbyIO folder.
  5. Regenerate project files and make sure that the Unreal Editor is closed.
  6. Build the project using the Development Editor configuration.